International Students’ Legal Rights

International students must understand their basic legal rights because it is all too easy to deprive newcomers of their rights or take advantage of their inexperience in a foreign country. Because the laws of different countries differ, it is important to have a basic understanding of the legal rights granted to international students and the legal protection they have when immigrating to a new country abroad.
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Expert tips on how to crack visa interview questions

A visa interview is a make-or-break opportunity for students who want to study abroad. If you fail, you will not be able to travel abroad for the foreseeable future. As a result, you should not take the interview casually and should prepare thoroughly. A visa interview is designed to learn about you rather than to test your knowledge. The interviewer is curious about your motivation for visiting their country.
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A Definitive Guide to IELTS for Those Seeking to Study Abroad

The best strategy to prepare for the IELTS exam is to introduce oneself to as many resources written and spoken by native English speakers as you can. Watch English-language film and TV, and study magazines, newspaper, and literature. Your ability to communicate with English in a range of registers and conditions will be tested on the exam, so the more context-specific your comprehension of English, the better. As much as you can, practise speaking, even if it's just to yourself in front of a mirror.
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Why You Should Choose to Study in Uk?

In several fields of education, including engineering, science, the arts and design, business and management, law, and finance, the UK is a global leader. Some of the brightest thinkers in the world are drawn to the UK by its reputation and history as a global hub for scientific research. The UK produces 8% of all scientific publications worldwide despite having just 1% of the global population.
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