Incredible Practical Tips and Strategies for IELTS Speaking

The IELTS speaking test is designed to assess how well you use English in everyday conversations. During the examination, you will be asked to sit in a quiet area with an examiner who will converse with you. The speaking section of the IELTS exam is the most difficult for most Indian students.

This section evaluates your vocabulary, fluency, coherence, pronunciation, and accuracy. In this blog, we will discuss how, with enough practice, you can achieve fluency and confidence in your English-speaking skills.

The speaking test is an 11 to 14-minute interview between the test-taker and a qualified examiner. You may be nervous about taking your IELTS Speaking test, but with these tips from our IELTS Experts and plenty of practice, you will be well on your way to gaining confidence and achieving the IELTS band score you require.

The face-to-face speaking test is divided into three sections; IELTS on paper and IELTS on computer. You will be better prepared if you understand what happens in these three sections of the Speaking test:

Part 1: In Part 1, you will have a 4 – 5-minute conversation about yourself with an IELTS examiner. Topics could include:



Home Life

Personal Interests

Part 2: You will be given a topic card in Part 2 of the Speaking test and one minute to take notes on the topic and a pencil and paper to prepare your response; you will then speak for two minutes on the topic.

Part 3: Part 3 will consist of a conversation with the IELTS examiner about the topic covered in Part 2. Part 3 should take between 4 and 5 minutes to complete.

Use the following IELTS speaking Tips, facts, advice, model responses, and themes to effectively prepare for your IELTS speaking test. This page contains everything you need to know and all the skills you need to succeed in IELTS speaking.

Here is a glimpse of the Unconventional IELTS Speaking Test Practice Tips and Tricks that make us the Best IELTS Coaching Centre in Gujarat.

Useful and Practical Strategies for IELTS Speaking:

The speaking examination is the same whether you take the paper-based or computer-based IELTS academic and/or IELTS general training test. A face-to-face interview with a professional IELTS examiner is always included. Because it involves realistic approaches, it is the easiest part of the IELTS exam if handled correctly.

Here are a few tips and tricks for IELTS Speaking:

Speak Up

The first step in learning English is to speak, regardless of how you speak. When learning to speak English, you may use broken sentences, grammatically incorrect English, or a lot of umm and uh… Please speak up! You might be wondering who you should speak English to now. Isn’t it true that you are your best friend?

Yes! You certainly are! Talk to you while driving or riding a bike about your highs and lows, the best moments, good and bad memories, criticising people, giving advice, and so on. Simply think aloud. Nobody would pay attention to what you were saying. Nobody cares, and it’s a lot of fun! This will assist you in learning how to speak at length in your exam.

Find someone to practice English

Finding a partner with a high level of English can undoubtedly help you improve your English. By responding, you will improve your listening and speaking skills. You can also practice together by playing vocabulary games if your partner has the same level of English as you. Do you recall the games you used to play in school? Name, location, animal, or thing!? Go for it and broaden your horizons.

The 21-day Rule

It has been scientifically proven that completing any task for 21 consecutive days forms habits. You must develop a routine that includes English listening practice (English songs, English series, Ted Talks, BBC documentaries), reading practice (a blog, novel, article, magazine, or reader’s digest of 500 words) and writing practice (daily writing of 250 words). Begin keeping a journal and Speaking Practice (Speak to yourself while riding or driving a vehicle. Simply say it out loud). Do it every day for 21 days. Then, presto! A habit has been formed.

Tips and Tricks to get a high score on the IELTS speaking test:

Be Fluent

Fluency does not imply that you must speak quickly, or you have to speak very fast, but rather that you speak naturally; you do not search for words, but simply speak. You must find it easy to communicate in English like it is a piece of cake for you.

Try to Elaborate

The examiner will inquire whether you work or study. You can’t just say, “I work.” You must elaborate; that is, speak at length.

Make a habit of answering ‘Why?’

All the questions will be followed by one more: Why? It is mandatory to answer this question. This will determine how efficiently you direct all the information (coherence and cohesion). Use a lot of connectors to create complex and compound sentences. This improves your band score.

Do not hesitate to ask the question again

If you don’t understand a question, simply say, “I beg your pardon.” If you still don’t understand after repeating it, tell the examiner you don’t know. Simply be confident!

Take time to think and consider your options carefully

There is a chance that you will encounter the most difficult questions on the test. You can take your time thinking by saying, for example, “it’s an interesting question.” “That’s a tricky question,” or “I never considered it before.” This will allow you to consider the possible answer in the back of your mind.” That would not affect your fluency.


Write down 12-16 keywords in one minute and make sure you use most of them because you must speak 25 complex and compound sentences in two minutes. In part two of the speaking section, where you will speak about a specific topic, the examiner will give you one minute to practise your argument. Make the most of this opportunity. If you don’t know much about the subject, don’t worry; you can make up a story or put yourself in the shoes of someone else and explain the story from their point of view. Assume you need to discuss a sporting event you attended but are not a sports fan. In that case, you could put yourself in the shoes of a friend who is going through it and talk about his experience as if it was your own. Remember that there are no correct or incorrect answers; you are simply being evaluated on your ability to communicate. The points you will cover will be listed on a cue card, so use one minute to jot down phrases or keywords on your writing paper for reference if you get stuck.

Avoid Fillers

Speaking clearly and without hesitation will improve your overall IELTS score significantly. Fillers are to be avoided. When a candidate is at a loss for words in response to a question, they usually resort to fillers. However, this may give examiner the wrong impression, leading them to believe you lack the necessary language skills. Instead, use idioms and phrases to strengthen your response.

Use a wide range of speaking styles

When we say specific sentences, we may speak a word coldly or monotonously. Using effective speaking techniques, such as emphasising keywords and modulating your voice, will help you leave a lasting impression on the examiner about your speaking abilities.

Do not rely on Memorisation

The questions in the Speaking segment all have the same format. While having a useful vocabulary, common phrases, and collocations (common word groupings) is important, it is also important to avoid memorising large portions of speech. Examiners are trained to detect memorised answers and will penalise you accordingly.

Idioms and Vocabulary

You should learn current vocabulary and idioms by grouping terms into categories such as sports or movies. This method can also help you improve your vocabulary for other sections of the IELTS; the more vocabulary you have, the higher your score!

Always stay calm and relaxed

With everything on your mind, relaxing will be difficult. However, keep in mind that the examiner is not looking for your mistakes, but rather the excellent qualities of your speech. They want to see what you can do, not what you can’t, and will do everything to put you at ease. Consider the speaking exam to be a quick conversation with a friend. It all comes down to communication, which you do daily.

End Note:

Speaking a new language, such as English, can be challenging for all of us, especially during exams. We are all aware that conversational English cannot be used in international English exams because it is too simple. To get a higher score, one must go above and beyond to improve their vocabulary and sentence structures.

When our students are about to take their speaking test, we encourage them by saying, “You will feel like a celebrity.” Who has ever asked you if you are comfortable during your exams?

The examiner would be interested in learning everything about your likes and dislikes. You may not have considered why blue is your favourite colour. When you take the test, you will know yourself better and feel more special. Don’t be concerned. Wear a positive attitude and a smile! And don’t forget to eat one chocolate before the exam to keep your energy levels up.”

Keep in mind that the examiners for the IELTS Speaking exam are only looking to see if you can communicate effectively in English. To get a high IELTS score, keep things simple and express confidence by smiling while speaking.

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